Year 10 Genetics revision 2013

How to prepare for the end of unit test

The end of unit test in Genetics will be on Monday (10TM) or Tuesday (10BC). Work through the tutorials at your own pace stopping the video to answer questions before moving on to view the correct answers  Make sure that you ask about any difficulties you experience during your study. You will need to prepare thoroughly to achieve the best result. This topic contains a lot of material.



Year 10 Ecology revision: The carbon Cycle

The Carbon Cycle

  1. Study the diagram
  2. read the notes after it
  3. attempt the carbon Cycle quiz


Carbon atoms are found in all food molecules. They form the framework. Food molecules include starches sugars fats and proteins

Carbon starts out as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Plants trap it as food molecules during the process of photosynthesis. Carbon is first stored in producers.

Carbon is passed from producers to consumers as plants are eaten

At each stage as living things breathe and respire to release oxygen carbon is returned to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. (you respire, you breathe air in and breathe out carbon dioxide)

Some of the carbon inside plants gets trapped in wood coal and oil.. When we burn fuels to release energy the carbon is returned to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.

Now try the questions in the carbon cycle quiz

Year 10 Ecology revision: The carbon Cycle

Ecology test revision: Biotic and Abiotic factors quiz

Ecology test revision: Biotic and Abiotic factors quiz


The environmental factors which affect a species can be divided into

Biotic(living) or Abiotic (physical)



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Year 10 homework: Ecology

We have used a lot of terms in the study of ecology. Watch the short video on niche and communities then read over the glossary of other terms. Try the test at the end. Chose a word from a list beside each question that best fits the description.


Brief glossary of other terms you have met:

  • Communities: all organisms found in a particular area
  • Scavengers: 
  • Ecology:The study of relationships between organisms
  • Herbivores: Eat plants only
  • Adaptations: features of a species which enable members to survive and produce offspring
  • Carnivores: eat animals only
  • Decomposers. Organisms such as bacteria which break down dead bodies of other organisms
  • Parasites: Feed off living organisms
  • Ecosystems; Study of interactions between the community and the physical environment. Focus on energy flow
  • Population: The study of groups of organisms belonging to the same species, e.g.the brown crabs in the mangroves at Rutherford
  • Consumers: Eat other organisms
  • Environment: Factors which can affect a species, physical and biotic.
  • Omnivores eat plants and animals.


Year 10, writing fully balanced chemical equations homework

Year 10, writing fully balanced chemical equations homework

A whole lot of the chemistry you have studied this year comes together in this exercise.

  • ions and how they are formed.
  • naming ionic compounds and writing their formula
  • word equations.

…….. and finally the last piece in the jigsaw writing a fully balanced chemical equation.

If you study NCEA chemistry at level 1 next year a rough guide is

Achievement: writing word equations.

Merit: Inserting chemical formulae into an equation.

Excellence: producing a fully balanced chemical equation.

Revise what we did today by watching the video then do the short exercise. In your notebook write down the word equation and complete it (achievement) Underneath the word equation insert the chemical formula of each substance (merit). Finally balance the equation (excellence) NOTE this usually involves sticking 2 in front of something

1 sodium hydroxide      +   sulphuric acid             ——->

2 copper oxide                 +  hydrochloric acid     ——–>


Variation and survival of a population homework exercise

Here is a list of key words associated with variation that you should be familiar with

meiosis, crossing over, independent assortment, inheritable variations, non inheritable variations, aseexualnreproduction, cloning, phenotype, mutation. sexual reproduction.

Use a selection of these words and relevant examples to discuss the importance of variation to the long term survival of a population.

Your answer should include

  • The meaning of the term variation
  • What causes variation within a population
  • The advantages and disadvantages of variation within a population

You should have read pages 46 and 47 in your workbook carefully and completed the exercises on pages 48 and 49 before you attempt this.

Once you have drafted an answer  type it into the question below and submit for feedback. You need to spend at least an hour doing this work.

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